The Prague Embedded Systems Workshop is a research meeting intended for the presentation and discussion of students’ results and progress in all aspects of embedded systems design, testing and applications. It is organized by members of the Department of Digital Design at Faculty of Information Technology (which is the youngest faculty) of the Czech Technical University in Prague (which is the oldest technical university in Central Europe). The workshop aims to enhance collaboration between different universities not only inside EU. It will be based on oral presentations, mutual communication and discussions.
A part of the PESW workshop is a contest of bachelor and master theses organized as a poster session and awarded by sponsors gifts. The main aim is a motivation for future Ph.D. studies.
The PESW workshop addresses emerging issues, hot problems, new solution methods, and their hardware and software implementations in the fields of digital and mixed-signal system design. It is especially focused on dependable and low power design, and testing methods related to the SoC technology and modern embedded applications. The workshop topics include (but are not limited to):
- Programmable/re-configurable/adaptable architectures
- SoC and NoC design and testing
- Digital design optimization methods
- Architectures and hardware for security applications
- On-line and off-line error detection and correction
- Fault-tolerant control systems design methods
- Testability and reliability analysis
- Logic synthesis and optimization
- Diagnosis & testing of embedded systems
- Verification of embedded systems
- Mission-critical & real-time systems
- Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems
- Robotic control
- Applications of (embedded) digital systems
Special Session on Network Security:
- Algorithms and methods for anomaly detection
- Network monitoring and measurements
- Network traffic processing and analysis
- Security and privacy issues
- Security issues of Internet of Things
Submission & Types of Papers
There will be three types of submissions at PESW 2019:
- Full papers (up to 10 pages, single-column) describing the student's original research. These papers will undergo a standard reviewing process process and if accepted, they will be included in the proceedings with ISBN.
- Abstracts (up to four pages, single-column) of author’s earlier published and successfully presented papers (at conferences, journals, etc.). These contributions will not be reviewed; emphasis will be put on the presentation and discussion. These abstracts will be included in the proceedings with ISBN.
- Student posters - abstracts of defended Bc. and MSc. Theses with subsequent poster presentation. These abstracts will not be included in the Proceedings.
PESW 2019 Student Poster Session
The objective of the Student Poster Session at the PESW Workshop is to
provide a forum for presentation of student works defended this or in
the last year (since summer 2018). The presented works must be Bachelor
or Master Theses from the field of Embedded Systems.
As the session is organized by young IEEE members, the second objective
is to encourage the participants to enter to the international
professional community.
The Poster Session is organized by the IEEE Student Branch at the
Czech Technical University in Prague in connection with IEEE Young
Professionals. Best posters will be rewarded by valuable
prizes donated by IEEE YP and sponsors.